Everyone always questions what is their purpose in life. I’ve done it countless times. I’m sure you’ve done it at least once or twice yourself. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new year. To some, that means another year older. To some, it means another year wiser. To some, it means a new beginning or even a great ending. Whatever it means to you, live for the moment. Each day focus on what truly makes you happy. For me, a new year means a new challenge, a new adventure, or simply just a new day. However, although it may be “just a new day,” that doesn’t mean that the day should go to waste. There’s one thing that I’ve found that not only makes me happy, but also tends to make someone else happy as well…the gift of giving. In 2014, don’t make resolutions. Resolutions are so easily broken and there tends to be no emotional conflict with it. Instead, make a promise. You (hopefully) wouldn’t break a promise to your best friend, so why should you break a promise to yourself? I could easily give up soda or limit myself to one hour a day on watching TV or even going a month without meat. But I know that in today’s society, we are all about the immediate reward. What result will I see if I give up soda? Sure. In the long run it’ll be better for me, but I think that’s why resolutions are so easily broken. There’s no immediate benefit, gain, or reward.
This year, I promise to myself that I’m going to be more selfless.
Why did I decide this? Looking back in 2013, I have found that my happiest moments are when I did something selfless, and also when someone did something selfless that helped me out. My grandmother has been gone for quite some time now, but her voice and vision is stronger than ever.
With 365 days ahead of me in 2014, that gives me at least 365 chance to be selfless and make someones day a little bit easier, a little happier, and to remind them that it's not too difficult to love.
With each passing day in the new year, don’t forget to love. You might be having a bad day, but taking it out on others will not make it any better. You might have gotten a shitty tip from a “Christian,” but grouping all Christians together as shitty tippers will not do anything but harbor anger in your heart. Lastly, you might not believe in one thing or another (gay marriage, God, abortion,) but that doesn’t make you right. It makes you human. Everyone will have an opinion on it. Next time someone voices that opinion, instead of firing up the keys on your computer, just stop for a second and take a step back…look at things from their point of view. Even if it goes against everything you believe in, allow that individual to voice their opinion. Times are changing for the better. As long as we continue to do what we were set out to do, then there should be no excuse for the cruelty and wrongness that the world endures.
Make 2014 count. Live, laugh, and above all….
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