Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Dirty Word

"Nine out of ten motherfuckers agree that his fucking foul language is a fucking travesty.
But motherfucking fuck is just another fucking word the idea a word is dirty is to him fucking absurd." - Jay Brannan

Curse Word.

What is a "dirty" word? Who sat down one day and decided words will be "bad" and that we should not say them, especially around children? What makes a word bad? Is it the context of a word?

I fucking hate you.

Bad, yeah? What about this...

I freaking hate you.

Is it the word "fuck" that makes the first sentence bad? Both words are used in the exact same context. Both words have the exact same malicious intent, yet somehow "fucking" is worse than "freaking." Why is it we teach children this?

What in the hell is going on?


He was condemned to hell.

In this case, both are considered nouns, yet one is far worse than the other one. What is the difference between one being a place and the other being a thing? Furthermore, what is "the hell?" Are we referring to the "hell" that is referenced in the second sentence?

You're a dick.

Tell me something I don't know.

My dick.

Same exact word. Yet, it is more acceptable to call someone a dick, rather than refer to the limb between my legs. Speaking of dicks...Why in the heaven (very much acceptable, same context. See above statement.) can a female say certain things to males, but males can't say certain things to females?

He's a dick.

She's a cunt.

Which is worse? If I were a gambling man, I would bet you chose the latter of the two. But why? Lastly, the word "bitch." How versatile is it.

She's my bitch.

She's a bitch.

The bitch just had a litter of puppies.

Rank these in order of acceptable to non acceptable. Easily done, yeah? How about this one?

Eat shit.

Let me grab my shit.

I need to take a shit.

Hhhhm. Very peculiar.  Now let's direct our focus to some other words.



Why have we let it become the standard that these words are bad? Why should we resort to referring to them as peepees and who-has? Regardless of the silly word you replace it with, you are still talking about the exact same thing. A penis is a part of the body. The same as a finger, a brain, or a heart.

Today, I urge you to think critically. Challenge the status quo. Fight for what you believe in. Lastly, I leave you with this. To the social "standards" in the world, I raise my middle finger. I say freak you, darn you, damn you, and of course, fuck you.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how people pick and choose. They do it with everything. Religious beliefs, acceptable behavior, etc. It's where a lot of issues stem from in the world. If people would stop worrying so much about what everyone else is doing and live their own lives to their own standards, I'm sure we'd all get along a lot better.
